Young Roots
Vulnerable Communities
Young Roots is a London-based charity working with young refugees and asylum seekers aged 11-25, most of whom are alone in the UK without their families.
They support young people to improve their wellbeing and fulfil their potential, through intensive one-to-one casework alongside a range of holistic, integrated activities, advice and support through two hubs in Brent and Croydon.
Their casework and advocacy is delivered to address a range of issues, including age assessments and disputes, accommodation, accessing rights and entitlements and legal challenges.
Young Roots are at an exciting time in their journey, as they start to use the in-depth knowledge and evidence gathered through their casework to make a vital contribution in advocating for better systems and policies nationally and locally for the young people they work with directly, and for the wider community of young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK.
Treebeard is providing restricted multi-year funding to support a new Policy and Advocacy role and other costs associated with this part of their strategy.